Tuesday 11 June 2013

A Place to Enjoy the Garden - Day3

The prospect of finishing was a great motivator, giving the neighbours a reasonable lie in (it was Sunday after all & I like to imagine I'm a considerate soul) I was out to complete the deck area by mid morning.

On the fly I modified my original design for the L shaped raised beds on the top deck, as this was placed directly onto the deck boards I didn't want soil in direct contact with the wood causing rot and seeping out of the cracks so I narrowed them slightly so that I could slot in a couple of troughs I had to hand and filled over the gaps with more decking giving a surface on which to place pots.
Top Raised bed in place.
The raised beds to the left where a somewhat trickier affair - whilst the construction was simple, getting them into place without ruining the plants I had growing up the fence, along with the snug fit I had between the deck & fence resulted in quite a few lesser used & colourful words from the English language punctuating the air. My old friend hindsight was sat on my shoulder throughout whispering in my ear ' this really would have been easier if you'd done it before putting the decking in place!'.

The final change to the design was to drop the idea of the raised beds forming a gateway at the foot of the decking, whilst the design had looked fine on screen, in reality it would have resulted in a postage stamp of a lawn & I do like to have a bit of grass underfoot now & again; instead I splashed out on two short lengths of half log fence to close-off the decking area.
View from the Deck.
The final task was the tidy up,  I used the turf taken up at the start to partially fill the raised beds covering with a layer of old newspaper to supress the weeds before compost was added to fill the remainder and my few token potted plants where strategically placed - my first major construction project was done, I could sit on my deck in the late afternoon sun and consider the next challenge.

The completed Project.

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