Wednesday 12 June 2013

Bearing Fruit

After a weekend of sunshine the weathers turned, the wind is blowing & regular downpours, the Clematis that was standing so tall from the top of the fence now huddles in a matted clump as if seeking shelter from the onslaught. With luck it won't last long, slightly longer than a 2 day summer would be appreciated especially after last year.

Looking around the garden much is starting to spring into life after a particularly cold spring, listening to an article on the radio it was stated that this year could be amazing for flowers due to the late start they'll all come into bloom around the same time - not really sure that will be the case but I shall watch with interest.

Strawberries on the way.
Strawberries which I repotted this year into a Strawberry Pot are flourishing & if the birds don't get them should be yielding their first crop shortly. I intend to try and gain some additional plants this year to increase the yield for next year - just need the suckers to appear & a little bit of research to reduce my ignorance.

First crop of Radish where eaten at the weekend and today the salad bed offered up fresh Rocket - I believe fried Whitebait with Rocket and Balsamic Vinegar with fresh Bread & Butter are the order of today's menu.
Fresh Rocket

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