Tuesday 11 June 2013

The Decking Goes Down - Day2

At the start of Day 2 I was up early valiantly ignoring the groans of protest that my body was making to continue getting the decking down. The deck plan had upper & lower sections, first to go down was the lower deck, I built a basic framework to support the decking planks and then it was a simple job to lay down each plank, drill pilot holes and screw into place - it struck me when fixing roughly plank 15 into place that you didn't really see much decking in gardens until after cable free electric screwdriver/drills came into popular circulation - I'd hate to build one of these with a normal screwdriver!
Lower Deck in Place.
Next to go down was the upper deck support frame & planks, I was fully into the swing of it by this point, making rapid progress and feeling like a seasoned professional, before I knew it the upper deck was done & it was only mid afternoon.
Upper Deck Complete.
Ignoring the impulse to enjoy a cold beer and marvel at my craftmanship I cracked on with the first raised bed - a containing wall to the lower deck.
Raised Bed 1 of 5 Done.
With the bed in place I could resist the impluse no more, cracking open a beer I sat on my partialy completed project & surveyed my domain - all was looking good & with luck tomorrow would see completion.

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