Saturday 15 June 2013

An Espalier Apple Tree to be?

I have a small space in the garden that's currently under utilised, a small fence area that gets sun from late morning to mid evening, I initially thought I'd put another raised bed border into this slot but have recently been reading up on growing fruit tress against a fence or wall - I've now learnt that this technique is known as Espalier.
Spare Space
Above is the space I have in mind, what do you think - is this a suitable space? I believe I could eventually get 3 to 4 levels growing up this space providing a good source of fruit, unfortunately there's not enough space to plant a free standing tree which I believe would provide higher yields.

The tree I have in mind to go here is one provided by a relative who has a fantastic house/garden out in the countryside and suffers from tree's sprouting left, right and centre - when I found out I offered to take as many as they wanted, in the main to feed my fascination with Bonsai - more on this in a later post.
Apple (Hopefully)
I believe the tree above to be an Apple tree following Googling of Apple leaves but I can't be certain, any tips on how to positively ID this would be very helpful. I'm hoping that if it grows well this year I'll be able to plant out next year although currently unsure if I need to prepare the tree at this stage to get it ready for it's role as an Espalier - I'll keep you posted on this Journey of discovery!

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