Sunday 16 June 2013

Easy way to collect Worms

Excellent tip on the A-Z of Gardening if you're creating a Wormery and need some worms, mix 2 spoons of mustard powder (needs to be English Mustard) with 2 litres of water and pour onto the ground, the mustard powder is a mild irritant and will bring the worms to the surface where you can collect them up and add them to your Wormery - This I had to try.....
Creating the Mixture
We mixed up a litre of water to 1 teaspoon of Mustard powder and headed outside, selecting a threadbare bit of lawn we poured the mixture out and waited with baited breath, we didn't have long to wait....
And the first Worm
 Within a few moments worms were popping up everywhere, including lots of tiny worms you could only just see, we scooped up a few of the worms to add to the compost bin - another successful experiment & a little tip well worth remembering.
Our haul of Worms

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