Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Climbing Rose is Blooming

In the garden close to the back door I have a climbing rose which has been here from long before I moved in by the looks of it, it usually has quite a few flowers but by the end of last summer was looking very ragged and a bit sad so in my best ignorant style I decided to prune it back hard -  I probably removed about two thirds of the branch's leaving a couple of good new shoots that I tied into the fence in a bid to get it to provide a bit more fence cover.

In early spring I employed a little tip that I picked up somewhere (no idea where) and chopped up all available Banana skins and sprinkled them around the base of the plant, not sure why this works but it always seems to generate a lot more flowers than if left alone.

Once spring finally got under way the Rose came back to life with a vengeance, a profusion of new growth and more buds than I've seen before, the flowers are very delicate starting off with a pink tinge and then fading to white - unfortunately the delicate flowers are being decimated with the current heavy showers and gusty winds, with luck we may see a return to more traditional summer weather where we can enjoy the flowers for a little longer.

If anyone can help me identify this Rose I'd love to hear from you, at present all I know is it's a type of Rose!

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